Archive for March 13th, 2010


I was trying to explain something important to my son Louis the other day.  See, Louis is kind of a know-it-all, especially about sports.  He’s 13 years-old, has a memory like a vice grip, reads everything and knows all the data and stats you could imagine.  But as much as he knows ABOUT sports, he hasn’t actually PLAYED much.  So I think when guys like him debate me into statistical oblivion over some “who’s the best blankety blank ever” topic, I feel pretty secure talking about the “feel” for the game or that “intangible” winning attitude, even if my memory for stats and names and stuff like that isn’t so good.

So what I was trying to explain was that Tim Tebow, this college quarterback coming up in the draft, is going to be a great quarterback in the NFL despite what Louis and all the sports pundits say about him.  See a lot of people believe Tebow has some “mechanical” faults with his football throwing motion and footwork that won’t translate well from the college game to the pros.  But I think he’s just a winner, pure and simple, and if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.  He’ll be a star.

Anyway, I’m trying to make my point about Tebow having great intangibles and being a winner when I thought of an analogy to illustrate my point.  “Remember that movie we rented, long ago, Chariots of Fire?  Where that gold medalist distance runner had that awkward running style but in the middle of a race his mouth would open and his head would tilt back and he’d become so possessed by the spirit of the Lord that his body would push above and beyond toward victory?” 

So I’m reminding him about this movie and I’m talking to him about intangibles and faith and spirit when I notice he’s got that trying-to-recall-something look, and as I’m about to make my final point his eyes suddenly clear, he gets this quizzical expression and says, “Wait.  I don’t get it.  Wasn’t that movie called Blazing Saddles?”

“Uhhh… actually yes, Louis, that WAS the movie we rented, Blazing Saddles, I saw Chariots of Fire with your brother.  So, what’s mom got for dinner tonight anyway?”

March 2010

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